Rocky balboa speech with son
Rocky balboa speech with son

rocky balboa speech with son rocky balboa speech with son

It wasn't just the members of the boxing press who were appalled with the comments made by the Russians in the immediate aftermath of the so-called exhibition bout in Las Vegas, and America at large wanted revenge. However, those close to Balboa, and the vast majority of his fans, were rightly worried that Rocky was risking his own life in his attempts to avenge the events of that fateful night. To prepare for this war – and it is no exaggeration to describe this fight as such – Balboa went back to basics, his training camp in Krasnogourbinsk so remote and apparently primitive that it made you wonder if the man had taken leave of his senses.ĭerailing the Siberian Express looked an impossibility. But Balboa knew that such a build-up to the fight would stand him in good stead, and if by some miracle he could last the distance, that he would need to dig down to the deepest parts of his soul to simply survive against this Russian machine. The contrast to Drago's preparation could not have been more different. Technology from the space-age, machines beeping repeatedly, wires attached to Drago's body with monitors checking his every detail. And boy did it work when Drago took to the ring after a rousing reception, his physique was staggering, a man-mountain of Russian granite, muscles bulging, and a look in his eye that was so terrifying he would have beaten 99% of his opponents before any punches were thrown. Fortunately, Rocky Balboa is no ordinary fighter. Only Balboa will know how he got through the first round.

Rocky balboa speech with son